Monday, February 18, 2008

Undercover Blessings

Everything in San Pedro is still going great. The youth group had its first adventure night this past weekend. We are trying to develop the adventure night ministry into a weekly ministry that meets to teach youth (Christian and non-Christian) about God and his creation. The first event was a night of camping in the Cerro de Santiago. It was challenging, but very fun. We climbed a small, but very steep hill. Surprisingly, everyone made it to the top with out turning back. It was a well rewarded climb with an incredible view.
This past week, the school is getting back on schedule after a few weeks of vacation days and teachers who have been sick. Today, one of the students was crying. I immediately thought, "Oh great!! She misses her family and something else is wrong that is going to make her want to leave the school." But that wasn't the case at all. Her tears ended up being an encouragement to me. I had been feeling a little discouraged with the school because of not staying on schedule with classes and the fact that some students left because of various problems outside the school. This student however was crying she said because there are only 2 more months of classes left. She doesn't want to leave!!

Jesus is so good to us. Sometimes we let our thoughts get us down, but remember that God is for us and not against us. He always is looking to restore and encourage his children. Just when I needed that encouragement, he gave it to me.